Friday, July 20, 2012


I finally gave Zumba a try last night.

Let me preface this by saying I am not a dancer.  Not even close to a dancer!

But I have several friends who have invited me to go to The Warehouse with them for Zumba night.  It is literally a warehouse that gets all nice and dark with black lights, has a big stage up front, and everyone goes to shake their stuff...

I have to say, I quite enjoyed myself!  I was DRENCHED when I was done.  (Not even joking!)  (I was going to run to the store after to pick up a few things and couldn't because my clothes were wet, my hair was wet...and I STUNK!)  (All great signs of an awesome workout!)

I'm not going to lie, at first I was a bit self conscious.  I mean, hello!  Sure I've done a booty shake a few times in the privacy of my own home....but never where people could watch my awkwardness!  Finally, I just told myself I look as amazing as the instructors up on stage.  Ha!

I'm pretty sure this picture is a more adequate view of what was happening last night...

So although I have a lot of work to get my moves looking least I know I got a killer workout (and I'm terribly sore this morning!).  I actually checked my Nike+ Fuel Band before I started...I wanted an idea of how many calories I burned in the hour Zumba class....a whopping 630!  NICCCCEEE!  :)

And my scale thanked me this morning!  :)

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