Monday has come again, how did you do last week with your steps? Remember, we are Springing for Steps this month...have you tracked all of yours yet?
This last week was pretty good for me. And by pretty good, I mean I FINALLY made it back to the top of the FitBit leaderboard!!!

I've been competing against some tough, tough competitors! And truth be told, I had to snap this picture early Sunday morning to catch myself in first place.
As far as my training went...
Monday: I opted to walk Monday with Jason. We got in a good 2 mile walk.
Tuesday: I knew I needed to run Tuesday since I skipped it on Monday. I set out (with the DOUBLE JOGGER....ICK!) and went just over 2.5 miles. It wasn't the easiest or best 30 min run, but I got it done. (And have I mentioned, Connor LOVES our runs. He gets so excited anytime he sees me in my running clothes, lacing up my shoes.)
Tuesday night: Jason and I also went out for a walk with the kids. We went 2.85 miles and I really enjoyed it.
Wednesday: This was another walk day, got 3.31 miles in.
Thursday: Because I bumped my run to Tuesday, it meant I was set to run again Thursday. I went 2.7 miles (again with the stroller) and loved the weather!
Friday: nada. I opted to rest my legs for my long run.
Saturday: 9 miles! I wanted to start this run early, I had a lot to do Saturday. I got out a little later than I hoped, but was on the trail running by 9am. The weather was perfect when I started. Overcast, almost looking like it was going to rain. (But it didn't.) I knew I'd be out there for a while, so I opted to wear a tank. This was my first tank top run of the season here in Utah...HOORAY!
As I started, I knew I needed to pace myself. I have a tendency to start my long runs off too fast. I'm really trying to get the whole negative split thing down. I want to be able to pace myself on long runs (and race runs) to start off slow so I can finish stronger. But, that didn't happen. I still started off too fast because when I came home each mile split got slower and slower after the 3rd mile.
That being said, the run itself wasn't bad. In fact, there was a race being held along the river trail I was running. It was fun to see and cheer along all the runners. It made me really appreciate this sport. Runners are so friendly with each other. When I'm running and pass another runner going in the opposite direction I always receive encouragement. It's amazing! Even when I get passed by a runner going in my same direction, they always seem to have some kind of uplifting words to share with me. While running might be an individual thing, you are never alone in running. It's like a club, once you've joined you get lifted up by all those around you.
Can you tell I love running?
Which is weird. Really weird. Because I never used to like it!
(rant over.)
So last week I was able to total my miles and felt really good about it.
I ended up with 24.4 miles for the week!
It's crazy to think how far I've come just in the last month with my body...but even more with my mind! This journey is SO mental. And for a long time I dreaded every step I had to take along it. Sometimes I still do. But I can say it's gotten easier with each day that passes that I stay focused. I am making this happen. I don't know when I'll get to where I want to be, but it will happen...

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