*giveaway has ended, comments no longer accepted
Last year, St. George held their very first Color Me Rad 5k. I was SO excited, and anxious to sign up. Then. I realized it was on a Saturday morning. And ALL of my Saturday's consisted of nursing clinicals. Sadly, I had to watch all the social media outlets of all my friends (and strangers) participating in the race I so badly wished I could be apart of.
It was then, I decided that one day I would run that race. And I would include my girls in it too....
(I mean look at this mom and daughter, how cute is that!?)
Alas, this day has come!
Yep. You read right people!
Color Me Rad 5k is again coming to St. George, Utah on September 28th and I'm going to be taking a trip back down to the city I love in order to make that race my first post-baby race. I am SO excited!
My girls are THRILLED at the idea, especially after I showed them pictures like this...
I'm a little nervous getting back into the swing of exercising again...but I need it. I need it not only for my physical well-being, but for my emotional and mental health well-being! Exercising makes me a happier person, a better mommy. My body is aching to get started and I can't wait for this fun race!
From what I was told last year, the race is a TON of FUN! Imagine color, lots of it! I mean, seriously...just look at the pictures for yourself!
What I love most is that there will be people of every size, age, and fitness level participating. There will be moms with strollers, friends running in groups, couples running together! It looks like a big RAD party.
So mark it on your calendar SEPTEMBER 28th, and head over to their website to check out all the details but more importantly GET REGISTERED! Come meet up with me and lets have a Rad Run together! It is definitely not too late to sign up!
When you register...make sure to register under my team! (In Progress for Good, last name Bowling) I'm doing the 9am heat and would love to have you join me!
Want to know how your Wednesday just got a little more exciting?! The people over at Color Me Rad 5k have offered to give TWO of my local readers an entry into this race!!! Yep. You read that right. The giveaway starts today and will end on the 28th at midnight so you don't have much time. You have a few options to enter:
First entry: leave a comment on this blog telling us about a Color Me Rad race you ran....or if you haven't ran one, why you are excited to run in this one!
Second entry: click the link on rafflecopter to "like" In Progress For Good's Facebook page
Third entry (and mandatory one): click the link on rafflecopter to "like" Color Me Rad 5k on Facebook.
It's that easy! Friday morning I'll announce our winner! So spread the word, lets all GET REGISTERED for Color Me Rad 5k in St. George and make it a big ol' party!
While this post and giveaway was sponsored by Color Me Rad 5k, the thoughts and opinions in the post are solely mine.
Want to learn more about the Color Me Rad races or worried about if the color is safe for young kids? You can get all those details HERE.