Each year it is different. But most years it's been a hard day.
I've decided this year it was time to make a change. This year I needed to do better. So today, March 3rd is considered my own personal Gratitude Day! And rather than feeling sorry for what happened to me, I'm going to be grateful that I am alive.
You see there was a time, all those years ago, that I didn't want to be alive anymore. I didn't think I deserved to be happy, or to live. Thankfully, I've worked through a lot of that. Because now I look at my life and I tear up.
I am so blessed.
My house might be a mess, and there might not be food in my cupboards or fridge, and laundry might be stacked higher than high.
But I am blessed!
I have 4 beautiful children who love me. I have an incredibly supportive husband who has stood by me through all the ugly times. I have an incredible extended family who I love dearly. And I have been blessed with the most incredible friends in this life!
13 years ago, I never thought I would be this blessed.
So today, I am focusing on how much this life has given me! I am focusing on how strong my body is, both physically and mentally. I am focusing on being a fighter.
I am grateful for today. Yes, today....March the 3rd!

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