In the last month, I've been busting my butt to stay consistent in my training and honestly...I'm feeling great! The scale hasn't been as rewarding as I hoped, but I'm feeling good and I know the results will start trickling in.
So, I'm going to back up over the next few posts and take you back to some amazing memories I'd like to document!
Remember, back in February, I took a much needed and deserved girls trip?!
So I met this group of friends online...weird, right? We all were part of a FB group of a blogger that I won't mention because she's not worth your time. But there was a decent sized group that ventured off into another FB group. Soon, I began connecting with these 4 girls in particular. We began chatting EVERY DAY. I feel like I've known them forever. They have been by my side through good times and through really difficult times. I love them. And a lot of people think it's strange that we met online, but I think it was fate. :)
So over a year ago we started talking about the idea of meeting up to do a run....not just any run, but a PRINCESS RUN! When the Princess Half Marathon opened up, we all jumped on it and got in. We started making plans (and secretly prayed that none of us were serial killers).
Fast forward to February of this year...
Plane tickets were booked, babysitting figured out, and training had been almost nonexistent. Honestly, even the lack of training couldn't keep me down...I was SO EXCITED!!!!
Over the next few posts, I'll go over what I loved about running Disney and what I learned from that weekend! So stay tuned...
In the mean time, just know I've been pushing hard this month to BE CONSISTENT. It has been a LONG time since I was consistent with my exercise (like when I got pregnant with Madison). This month I wanted to prove (mostly to myself) that I could follow through again. I wanted to not just be a person who SAID I was going to do something, but be a person who DID it.
For the last month, I have slowly been building my mileage and increasing my times. I have been running Monday's for 30 min, Wednesday's for 30 min, and Saturday's for mileage. I also add in a walk on Thursday's. As of today, I've logged 30.8 miles for the month. That may not seem like a lot to some, but for shows I've been consistently following my training plan!
I'm so excited to share with you some upcoming events...but first I want to spend the next few posts reliving an amazing girls weekend with some great friends!

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