Monday, November 26, 2012

On the right track

Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday!  (And NO.  Not because of the fat girl inside of me who wants to stuff her face uncontrollably!)

(Okay.  Maybe that's a little of the reason.)

But really, I love the holiday because it brings so many family traditions!  It means family time!  It is the one holiday that hasn't been overly commercialized!

So here's the recap on the happenings around here...

Thanksgiving morning started off with a bang!  One of our neighbors started a new tradition...she hosted a Turkey Trot.  Each of us brought a can of food as our race entry.  My girls were SO excited to run in their "very first race."  That morning it was chilly, but there was a great turn out!

I decided to run the race with Red Kitty.  She actually did really well despite no previous running.  We finished together at about 45 minutes.  She thought it was the COOLEST THING EVER!  She is already asking when she can run in her next race!  Tata, on the other hand, was quite funny.  She finished behind us with Jason.  As she crossed the finish line, I asked if this makes her want to run another race.  Her response:  "Um.  No.  Not really."  She was by far less than enthused about it.  

After the race, we came home and finished cooking.  We had a delicious spread of food...

Needless to say, I ate way more than I should have!  I tired to be aware.  I knew that I didn't want to blow it over one weekend.  But I also didn't want to deprive myself on the things I love most and only eat once a year.  I feel I did okay....much better than in years past, but there is still room for improvement in years to come!

I told myself I wouldn't step on the scale until Monday (today).  That way, I'd give myself time to adjust after the large meal.  I had also hoped to get in some runs.....but, that didn't happen!  :(  In fact, I've been quite the slacker on my half training over the last week.  But today I started fresh!  The holiday is over...the weekend is's time to get back down to business!

Plus, I wanted to try out these babies:

These are my black friday deal/early Christmas gift from my MIL.  I love them.  Actually, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!  They are soooooo comfortable!  I've been wearing them around all weekend to break them in.  Today was my first time running in them.  I felt amazing!  No knee pain, no shin splints!  Sure, I only went 3 miles...but I really could tell the difference!  Good shoes make all the difference when running!

So long story short:  the weekend was full of so many fantastic traditions (most of which I decided I wouldn't bore you with on here, and instead I'll write about on my family blog).  It was full of delicious food, awesome shopping deals, but mostly.....the weekend is now over.  I am not on holiday any longer!

I even weighed in on the scale to make myself accountable:  Today I was at 158.6.  (Thursday I was 157.4)  So it looks like I'm up 1.2 pounds....not too shabby after all the crap I shoved in my pie hole!

My advice to each of you:  THANKSGIVING IS OVER!  Do NOT allow yourself to continue on through the holidays on a free pass!  Today is Monday.  Today is fresh.  Today you are back on track.....right????

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