Yesterday, February ended. I worked extremely hard to earn what some will think is a silly achievement:
With the Apple Watch you can earn different achievements. This one was for reaching my Move goal every single day of February.
I haven't weighed in yet to know my final weight. I know it's not as low as I hoped. I'll likely weigh in after I go to the gym this morning. But I wanted to write this post first. Because more than the weight, I'm just damn proud of the consistency.
You see, some months the scale will reward me and others it will be stubborn. This month my eating wasn't perfect. I lived it up on Jason's birthday weekend (which was also the Super Bowl weekend). I also lived it up at Valentines day. But that's just it....this isn't a "diet." This is our lifestyle now. And I plan to live my life. I love food. And I plan to continue to enjoy food. I am just trying to make my relationship with food more healthy. I don't regret the weekends I splurged in February. I don't regret it, because I lived. I planned those moments. I didn't binge. I didn't eat my feelings away. I chose.
So what does March look like? Geez. I don't know. I know I said this March was going to be 'different' than other years. But I'll be honest, it's the first and I can already feel the anxiety creeping in. I leave for Moab on Thursday so I'll be spending the hardest days of March with Jason, in a place we've never been. I'm hoping to celebrate the choice I made to live life.
I've read a lot about the semi-colon project. I'll be honest, I'm not a tattoo kinda girl. But this is one I've sincerely debated getting. If you haven't read up on the semi-colon project, it basically is a visual symbol people get to signify the choice they made. You see, an author makes a choice to use a semi-colon. They make a choice to continue rather than using a period. And that's just it. I made a choice. I continued, despite desperately wanting to use the period and be finished with my life.
So this weekend, I will be celebrating that. I will be celebrating being a survivor. I hope you can celebrate with me. Sometime on the 3rd, I hope you can take a moment to pause and be proud of yourself for fighting through the hard and difficult in your life. Join me, and take a moment to look around and appreciate what you see.
Life is worth living; even when it's most difficult.

Semi colon. Do it. You are a strong woman. Celebrate it.