It's been a tough semester. And I've had to keep my head in the books to stay focused.
But today, TODAY is May 2013!
I literally had to stare at my calendar for a long while this morning in disbelief.
Why? Because you see 2 years ago I knew I was starting one of the hardest programs out there....the nursing program. But not only was I starting the program, I knew I was starting it alone. I knew for the next two years I was going to be alone....a lot. And I have been. I knew I was going to have to carry pretty much all the household and children responsibility on my shoulders as my husband was going to live away from us for much of the next two years.
I knew that 2 years sounded like pure hell....but I was willing to go through hell because I knew the payoff would be great.
Back in 2011, May of 2013 seemed like a joke. It seemed like it would NEVER come. It seemed like a far off dream of a beautiful day.
And today, it's here.
Today is May 2013.
And for two years of my life I have been dreaming of this month!
The month I graduate nursing school, the month we sell our house, the month we buy a new where we will be living together as a WHOLE family again! The month we pack to celebrate in Hawaii.
All of those things have been being planned for the last 2 years of my life. And now, it's here.
Today is May 2013.
Despite all the hard, ugly, lonely, frustrating, and difficult times....I made it. My kids made it. And it looks like even my marriage made it. (That may not seem like an accomplishment to some, but you should try living apart from your spouse for the majority of two years!!!)
We have a lot of reconnecting to do as a family. And we plan to start that on the beaches of Oahu.
While this may have been the hardest, loneliest two years of my was also two years that I realized my potential. I realized I could most certainly face hard in the face and kick its ass. Because that's what happened!
And while I would probably question ever turning the clock back and doing it again, I can stand here today and say I am so glad I didn't know just how hard it was going to be! I am glad I just put my head down and went to work. Because look where that has gotten me now!!!
And you may be thinking, 'that's great Alisha...brag about your life, it doesn't really apply to me.' If you are thinking that, you are wrong!
We all have choices to life, in weight loss, in marriages, in friendships. We all can choose our path. And sometimes we want to choose a path that is hard, and sometimes we don't realize just how hard hard is! The lesson to be learned is this: No matter the path you are on, no matter the goal you have for yourself....put your head down and get to work! No hard work is ever left unrewarded!
Let me repeat....
No hard work is EVER left unrewarded!!!
Not in weight loss, not in relationships, not in life. Maybe the reward doesn't end up being what you intended, but there will always be a reward for the effort and hard work you put into life!
So make May your month too! Take May 2013 by the horns, and show it who's boss....

Yay!!!! You are going to have such an amazing month, Alisha!!!
ReplyDeleteMy goal for May 2013 is that I'm going to train my butt off for my first marathon on June 1st. Taking no prisoners, and NO EXCUSES!!! :)
I can't wait to hear all about your successes this month and see pics of you celebrating all of your accomplishments and rewards!!!
You earned this celebration! And I hope when June rolls around, I can say I worked hard this May! I want to hit the next decade of I gotta bust it!
ReplyDeleteHi Alisha,
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you. You've made the right choice to have a very fulfilling life. Also, I agree with you that every hard work will be rewarded. Patience is truly a virtue. :-D
It's nice to know that you are fulfilled with your life. BTW, I totally agree with you. Sometimes, given a lot of choices, we still choose the difficult path. It's a hard decision but truly rewarding.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! You've made it. You just passed 2 challenging years. I agree with you that no hard work is left unrewarded. Stay happy! :-D
ReplyDeleteI hope your okay now. It's been a month since you last post. I'm looking forward to read another wonderful article from your site. Take care!
ReplyDeleteI missed your blog post, Alisha! Where are you? I hope you're doing fine. Strive to be happy ~ Desiderata.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very inspiring article. I've also chosen a difficult path in my life but I don't have any regrets. The most important thing will be my happiness for the rest of my life. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI really like this article. I also experienced challenging moments in my life wherein I have to choose a very difficult decision. Then finally, I realized that if I want to be happy then I need to accept things even if it's hard to do.
ReplyDeleteHi Alisha! Your post is inspiring. Right now, I'm experiencing a lot of problems and I'm hoping I can overcome this. BTW, where are you? Please post some more.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post, truly inspiring. I really like to read your articles. Keep on posting! :-D
ReplyDeleteGreat article! Reading posts from wonderful sites like this motivates me to work harder on my weight loss program. I just think that every hardship I endure right now will pay off in the future.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of choices right now that can make or break my future. It's a matter of getting the right decision. BTW, I like this post. Just remember, "Strive to be happy" from Desiderata.
ReplyDeleteGreat article! I've read the older posts and I like every one of your articles. I wish you're okay right now. Your last post is past two months now. TC :-)
ReplyDeleteI love inspiring articles. I'm glad I passed by to this wonderful site. Keep on posting!
ReplyDeleteHi Alisha! Life can sometimes be tough for us but the greater the challenges we've encountered, the tougher we became. I'm sure you're doing great right now. :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat article! It's really inspiring. Thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteThis is motivating. I wish I can also decide what's really good for my future. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice post. We are the masters of our own fate. The decision is ours to make. I hope you decided what's best for you.
ReplyDeleteI love this post! BTW, what happened? Your blog is not updated anymore?